Hounslow & District Wheelers
(These General Rules, Racing Rules and Regulations and Club Event Awards
were last revised at the Annual General Meeting of January 2018)
General Rules
1. That the Club shall be called the HOUNSLOW AND DISTRICT WHEELERS and shall be affiliated to BC, CTT, and such other bodies as the Club may from time to time determine at the General Meeting.
2. There are three Categories for Subscriptions as follows:- Category A: 1st Claim Seniors. Category B: Juniors (under 18), Senior Citizens (65 and over), Full Time Students and all 2nd Claim Members.
Category C: Social Members. The Subscriptions for these Categories shall be determined by the Annual General Meeting. Members shall be informed of the Current Subscription Rate in the Club Magazine and the Club Notice Board.
Members accepted between 1st July and 30th September shall pay half the rate for their first subscription.Members accepted after the 30th of September each year shall have the privilege of membership up to the December of the following year. All first and second claim members shall affiliate to BC, CTC or similar body for the purposes of Third Party Insurance.
3. The management of the club shall be in the hands of the committee, consisting of all club officials, one committee member to be elected annually and wherever possible to be a Junior. One committee member to be elected monthly (first claim members only being eligible). The committee shall meet each month, or as required, for the transaction of the Club’s business, six to form a quorum. Delegates to the affiliated bodies to be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
4. Application for membership shall be on the Clubs prescribed form which, when completed, shall be forwarded to the Honorary General Secretary, when it will be submitted to the committee at its next meeting.
5. Any members not paying their subscriptions by the 1st of April and having been duly applied to for the same by the Treasurer, the committee is empowered to erase the names of such members from the Club register.
6. A member may apply for Life Membership after fifteen years Senior Membership at ten times the current rate of subscription.
7. The Committee shall have the power to expel any member from the Club for dishonourable conduct.
8. That the Annual General Meeting shall be held in January, at which a Statement of Account be presented and the President, Vice-Presidents, Chairperson, and Officers be elected. Notice of the Meeting is to be given by 10th of December. Items for the agenda and nominations for additional Vice-Presidents to reach the General Secretary not less than twenty-one days before the date of such meeting. Election of additional Vice-Presidents to be determined by two-thirds majority for each nomination. Nominations for Honorary membership to be approved by the Annual General Meeting. The Treasurer shall furnish a Balance Sheet to be sent out with the Annual General Meeting notice. The Financial Year shall end on the 31st of October.
9. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the committee, or by any member who must be supported by at least six other members, the said member to give at least fourteen days notice to the General Secretary prior to such meeting.
10. First claim and Social members only shall be entitled to vote. Second Claim and Honorary members may attend and speak at General Meetings.
11. Retiring officers shall, at the discretion of the committee, be offered Vice-Presidencies upon the completion of seven years service, in appreciation of such service.
12. The Treasurer shall present a Financial Statement at the monthly committee meetings.
13. That these rules shall not be rescinded or in any way altered or added to without the consent of at least two-thirds majority of the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting called for this purpose.
14. That the committee shall have the power to make bye-laws and deal with disputed points not directly provided for in these rules.
15. Two Auditors shall be elected annually and shall not be members of the committee.
Racing Rules and Regulations
1. All events will, where applicable, be covered by BC and CTT Rules and Regulations, with which competitors must comply. The only records, other than Club Records, that shall be recognised and recorded in the Club Handbook, should be those achieved by members in Cycling Associations to which the Club is directly affiliated.
2. Only first claim members are eligible for awards except for club events where second claim members may count.
3. The Road Championship Titles and Trophies shall be awarded to those members returning the fastest average speed (CTT System) in recognised Open and Association events or in any duly authenticated rides on Club courses on the following basis:
Seniors over 25, 50, 100 miles and 12 hours;
Seniors Short Distance BAR of 10, 25 and 50 miles
Ladies over 10, 25, and 50 miles;
Juniors over 2×10 and 2×25 miles
Juveniles over 1x 25 miles and 2 x 10 miles events;
Veterans (40 years and over) BAR will be the rider with the greatest aggregate plus or smallest minus, based on the VTTA Standard Times and fixed distance BAR system introduced in January 2012: 10 miles multiplied by 2.5; 25 miles, 50 miles divided by 2 and 100 miles divided by 4.*
The runner-up in the Senior championship shall be awarded a special medal.
Club Events Championship awarded to the rider averaging the fastest speed in mph (CTT System) over two rides in Club 25 mile events (including the Inter-Club 25) and five rides in nominated evening 10 mile events. The nominated evening 10 mile events will be those run by the Club and those run by other Clubs either jointly or in association with us. The Racing Secretary shall publish a list of eligible events. The fastest Female shall be awarded a special medal.
4. A special award will be made for any Club Veteran who succeeds in beating 1 hour for 25 miles and/or 2 hours for 50 miles for the first time ever in a Time Trial.
5. Club Records by members 40 years of age or over shall be recognised in time trials of 10, 25, 30, 50, 100 miles, 12 and 24 hours and shall be known as Veterans’ Records. Both actual and greatest plus rides (based on VTTA Standard introduced January 2012*) at each distance only to be recognised. That separate Club Records be recognised for lady and male Veterans.
6. At the close of each season, a medal will he presented to the fastest rider in each of the following categories: Senior, Junior, Lady, Juvenile, Veteran for the fastest time and Veteran greatest plus on standard, recorded during the season’s series of evening ten mile races.
7. A special award shall be made to any first claim member who succeeds in breaking a National or Club Record in a Time Trial or Road Record Attempt. In the event of a Club Record being broken more than once, on the same date, all rides shall be recognised. Club Records may only be claimed by a First Claim Member in categories as defined by Racing Rule 12 and by their separate headings. Club Records will be recognised at all the agreed Time Trial Distances and Times, for Bicycles and Tricycles, Solos and Tandems and in the case of Tandems for all male, all female and mixed crews. Veteran’s records will be recognised as per Racing Rule 5. All Club Record claims must be made to the Racing Secretary on the appropriate form (available from the Racing Secretary) and must be investigated and ratified by the Committee before being included in the Club Handbook.
9. The Senior and Junior Track Championships shall be decided on a points basis at a single track meeting organised for this purpose. The Ladies Championship to be incorporated with the Juniors. Points to be allocated shall be 3, 2, 1 for the first three of each of the following events:
The Junior Championship:
200 Metres Time Trial; Four Lap Pursuit;
One Lap Scratch; Seven Lap Points Race.
The Senior Championship:
1 KM Time Trial; Devil Take The Hindmost,
Nine Lap Pursuit; Fifteen Lap Points Race (with points for 3, 2, 1 every three laps and double points for the last lap).
10. The Road Race Championship will be awarded to the rider gaining the most number of points in Open, Scratch, Road or Circuit Races on the same basis as the BC points system. All claimants must supply full details of the event and number of points gained, for each race submitted. For points scoring system see current BC handbook.
11. A novice is one who has never won a Scratch award in an Open Competitive Track or Road Cycling event, and who is within one year of competing in his first event.
12. A Juvenile is one who has not attained the age of SIXTEEN on the day of the race.
A Junior is one who had attained Sixteen years of age, and will remain Junior until the 1st of January FOLLOWING his 18th birthday.
A Senior is one who is not under Sixteen years of age, nor a Junior.
A Veteran is one who is years of age or over.
13. Only events held on or before the 31st of October to count for Club awards.
14. All claims for Club awards to be notified to the Racing Secretary WITHIN 14 DAYS of the above date. Details of Private Time Trials in other Club’s Promotions should be made on the appropriate form (available from the Racing Secretary).
15. All the Club trophies shall be perpetual.
Club Event Awards
The Scale of awards for Club Events shall be as follows,
Club Events (not including the Evening 10 Series)
Up to Ten entries; 1st place…………………………………………1st Handicap
Up to Twenty entries; 1st and 2nd place…………………………….1st and 2nd Handicap
Over Twenty entries; 1st, 2nd and 3rd place………………………1st, 2nd and 3rd Handicap
All Events;
Award to the 1st Veteran on Standard (VTTA scale) where there are three or more entries
Award to Fastest Lady when there are three or more entries
These awards are for Club Members only.
The Hill Climb shall be a Scratch Event only.
* These changes were introduced by by-law at the Committee Meeting of 5th March 2012 pending ratification at the 2013 AGM